Every single appliance or fixture that involves water, you must know that your property might have water damage because of it. It is important you check them on a frequent basis to help counter the possibility of water damage. These group of appliances and fixtures include washing machines, dishwashers, fridges, sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, and hot water systems.


So how can you make preventative actions to protect you from water damage?


Check your taps and appliance hoses on a regular basis

Perform annual inspection on the washing machine’s hoses, fridges and dishwashers and watch out for water leaks or cracks


Check your baths and showers

Make sure that the caulking around the shower and bathtub is watertight. When you see any cracks,  make sure you attend to it. This is a relatively simple and inexpensive task you can likely do yourself.


Put the floor pans below appliances

If you put a floor pan under your washing machine or fridge, it will not stop a significant sudden leak. However, this attempt can go a long way to prevent damage from gradual undetected leaks.


Check your home’s structure

You may have the risk of experiencing significant water damage if your home is not watertight. This is due to either a sudden harsh weather events such as heavy rain, or perhaps, deliberately over time as a result of leaks or blockages. You can help maintain potential damage to your home by; taking a look at your roof, inspecting gutters and drains for any cracks or blockages, checking your chimney, and removing any debris from gutters.

Roof leaks can cause notable damage, far more than just water stains on your ceiling. If your roof has not been reviewed in a while, have a licensed roofing expert initiate an out-and-out inspection. Inspect gutters and drains for any cracks or blockages. Then. eliminate any debris such as built-up leaves coming from gutters and downspouts. If your home comes with a chimney, whether you use it or not, have it examined to see whether water could flow in such as through cracks in the bricks. If you discover any roof damage, it is vital you get it attended to as soon as possible. This covers replacing any missing or cracked tiles, cutting any tree branches that could graze against the roof–which can create the potential for further damage, making a replacement for any cracked or loose drains and down pipes, reviewing rust throughout any skylights, engaging in repair of a leaking tile or ridge capping.

By addressing minor problems before they intensify, you will maximise the roof lifespan as well as possibly minimising headaches and cost.


Check your walls, windows and foundations

If there is a way for the water to enter your home, chances are it will happen. That is why it is essential you inspect every single of your home’s exterior part. You can check for cracks and leaks around windows and doors then seal as required; check exterior walls, joints and foundations and then seal as required; check for any sorts of plumbing leaks, such as dripping pipes and taps and get these seen to as you are required to do so.


You should also watch out for any water that has pooled around your home, such as puddles on patios and terraces that do not drain right away. This could be due to blocked drains or other similar causes, which means you should get it inspected by a licensed professional.

In the event you have a water damage, make sure you turn to a water damage specialist like Flood Services Perth . To find out more about our services, do not hesitate to contact us now.